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Over the next 3 days - Dec. 20-22 - an unprecedented wave of LOVE AND KINDNESS will traverse the entire planet.

Dearest Friends & Fellow Earthlings,

I have some wonderful news to share. Over the next 3 days - Dec. 20-22 - an unprecedented wave of LOVE AND KINDNESS will traverse the entire planet. How do I know this? Because I am one of the 17,248 signatories who have already pledged — as I send this message — to make it so.

Our number grows by the minute, and our heartfelt goal is to reach 1 million. You may join us by signing at this site:


Here is the press release, as shared by the San Francisco Chronicle:


In the coming world we are consciously co-creating through our freely shared intentional actions of love and kindness, this would be a FRONT PAGE NEWS STORY to be heard throughout every corner of the globe. Please help us bring forth this new world from dreamtime to reality. Thank You.


A PERSONAL NOTE: As many know, I have for 5 years cultivated deep connections with indigenous spiritual Elders from around the Earth, and so can say with rock solid conviction that THIS is what the Mayan Calendar Shift is really all about: a shift in collective human consciousness from the Mind to the Heart, from Competition to Cooperation, and from Fear to LOVE. Don't take my word for it. The democratically elected head of the Mayan Council of Elders from Guatemala - Don Alejandro Oxlaj, the "Wandering Wolf" - tells this story quite beautifully in a film finally released this week: "Shift of the Ages." You can watch it for free online through Dec. 21st:


Mitakuye Oyasin (All My Relations),

-Christopher Montgomery "Cole" Hons

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