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Voices Staff

The Voices of Central Pa Board of Directors includes (as of June 20, 2013):

Elaine Meder-Wilgus - President
     (no current Vice President)
Arthur Goldschmidt - Secretary
Julia Hix - Treasurer
Chip Mefford
Jesse Barlow
Peter Morris
Bill Eichman

The Voices Staff includes:

Sean Flynn - Managing Editor
Marisa Eichman - Advertising Manager
And a changing and rotating group of section editors.

Voices could not survive without our amazing citizen reporters, volunteer journalists and photographers, interns, and community volunteers. Thank you so much to all of you!

This is the link to the Voices of Central Pa Guidestar Report.

Voices of Central Pa has a non-voting advisory board of prominent local community members who support the mission of Voices and consult with the Board on important issues.

Nick Brink
Jamie Campbell
Jane Childs
John Dickison
Ann Glaser
Elizabeth Kirchner
Bonnie Marshall
Curt Marshall
Mike McGough
Bob Potter
Bonnie Kline Smeltzer
Susan Squier
Maria Sweet
Kim Tait
Mary Watson
Sue Werner
Greg Woodman
Lakshman Yapa

And thanks to former Advisory Board members, including staunch supporter Rustum Roy.


Dustinguished past Voices supporters include:

Art Goldschmidt
Longstanding President of the Board
Art Goldschmidt is Professor Emeritus of Middle East History at Penn State and the author of A Concise History of the Middle East

Bill Eichman
President of the Board 3/2010-6/2012
Internet Operations Marketing and Design Consulting business owner from 1998 to date, self-employed business owner since 1986, PSU Alumnus graduated BA in General Arts and Sciences (Anthropology, Fine Arts, Sculpture, Religious Studies, Agriculture, and Business emphases) 1978.

Suzan Erem
Manging Editor, General Manager 2005-2011
Suzan is professional freelance writer and graduate of the University of Iowa with a double major in Journalism and English.


Recent Board Members, Thank You so much, our whole community has been made better by your service and contributions.

Paul Durrenberger
Pam Monk
Mike McGough
Steve Lachman (Responsible for navigating thru the IRS maze and obtaining our 501c3 status!)


(New policy! If you ever worked at Voices, in any capacity, and want to be included here, just write us at [email protected] and we will add your name.)

Mali Campbell
Mali is a professional graphic designer, jewelry maker and photographer who is active in her church and her local fire company. 


And Bill the webmaster, online since '89!





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