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"JUST CLOSE YOUR EYES" - Tom Corbett expresses his feelings about women's rights

"JUST CLOSE YOUR EYES" - Tom Corbett expresses his feelings about women's rights

Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett is under fire for saying he backed the bill and making off-color remarks in the process. Corbett said he supported the bill so long as it’s not intrusive. But asked how he feels about a woman having to view an ultrasound before having abortion, he responded, “I don't know how you make anybody watch. You just have to close your eyes.”  Read more »

"Job creators are essentially on strike" - what Boehner meant

Jon creators are on strike - what Boehner meant
John Boehner with his giant gavel lays down the NEW NEW DEAL - the coming age of American Cheap Labor.
What Boehner said: "Job creators in America are essentially on strike." at the Economic Club of Washinton DC 9/15/11.
What Boehner meant:  "So you Americans better get with the program and take a pay cut. And stop asking for benefits! This is the NEW NEW DEAL, it's a cheap labor economy from now on!"
Political Cartoon by MEBE 2011. 

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The Shadow In American Politics

The Shadow in American Politics
The shadow of american politics - poltical cartoom by MEBE 2011.

Darth BOEHNER instructs his thrall Rep. Glenn Thmpson (R-Pa)

Glenn Thompson Political Cartoon - he takes his orders from Darth Boehner

Political Cartoon Glenn Thompson (R-Pa) takes his orders from Darth Boehner.

Will WIKILEAKS uncover Obama's secret plans?

Obama's secret plan to protect the bankers
"The Obama Administration's secret plan to protect the bankers and funnel tax money to the corporations is proceeding well... as long as Wikileaks doesn't find out." A political cartoon by MEBE 2010

Trick Or Treat (mostly trick!) - the wacky 2010 election season - get out and VOTE!

TRICK OR TRICK - nutty candidates and anonymous election money!
Thanks SUPREME COURT! A political cartoon by MEBE Halloween 2010.


BP Executives at the Pearly Gates

BP Executives at the Pearly Gates learm about moral relativity
"Turns out - gay sex, not a problem, but messing up the biosphere...".

Life being what it is, one dreams of revenge - the Birds vs BP

The BIRDS vs BP - life being what it is, one dreams of revenge
A free political cartoon about the gulf oil spill, the birds of the gulf glaring at BP executives, by MEBE 2010.

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