"Dopapod will be playing Feb 25 at Levels in support of their new album, Never Odd or Even.
Exciting news out just today – Dopapod will play at this year’s Bonnaroo!
As for what Central PA fans can expect, the music of Dopapod falls somewhere between funk, electronic, soul, jam and prog. Genre listing misses the point though – a Dopapod concert is a euphoric feeling that’s meant to be experienced on the dance floor. "
"Dopapod isn’t so much a jam band as they are a band that improvises. They are an electronic band without computers. They are a metal band with groove and soul. They are a jazz group with less wine and more acid. They are what would happen if Zappa, Yes, Deadmau5, and The Meters all sat down for a cup of coffee." - RVA Magazine
DOPAPOD and Moon Hooch at LEVELS Feb 25th - the facebook event page.
With no regard towards towards stylistic boundaries, the sound that emerges from Dopapod both live and in the studio is as varied and diverse as the many influences the band adapts from. Their approach and commitment to complementing a distinct genre bending sound with top-notch musicianship has set them apart from many of their contemporaries and keeps music lovers eagerly returning to shows.
Dopapod’s commitment to touring has seen the young, yet seasoned group make appearances at numerous festivals including Bonnaroo, Burning Man, Camp Bisco, Mountain Jam, Gathering Of the Vibes, Catskill Chill, Bear Creek, The Big Up, Rootwire and more. Whether in a field or in a club, the band’s electric live showcase has been cultivating a fast growing and loyal fan base.
Dopapod is Eli Winderman (keyboards), Rob Compa (guitar), Chuck Jones (bass) and Scotty Zwang (drums).
| $13 ADV/$17 DOS | Ages 21+ | 420 East College Avenue State College, PA |
(814) 308-8773 | w/ Moon Hooch