Basically this is an assembly of a few posts I wrote on the Voices facebook group in a gun ban discussion.
Summary - my key point is at the bottom, that republicans will just use a gun ban as a political football to appeal to the independents, the centrist dems, and to motovate their base. They will use gun bans as a key issue in the elections, may win, and will just overturn gun bans. They did it before.
So, a gun ban hands them a political opportunity, and plays to their strengths.
I think we should instead impose heavy pigouvian taxes on guns, by class, with the heaviest taxes on military style weapons.
We should police gun crimes and gun incidents much more severely and strictly.
We should criminalize gun mishandling. Letting minors access guns unsupervised should be considered a crime. Gun accidents should be treated as crime.
We should be teaching gun wisdom and gun awareness, probably thru a series of well designed PSA's and television shows and other venues. Try to reduce the fear and paranoia, rather than increase it.
All of these things are constitutionally allowed, and will appeal to the rights love of punishment and morality theatre. Read more »