Eyewitness to an
Educating teachers
Opinion: Letter to President
inauguration transformation
to teach green
Obama, the school board
race and more
PASA speaker Raj Patel on
Nuclear waste: The issue
the global food crisis
for this generation
Cosmo, Birdwatch,
Your Green House
Guide to crisis services
LGBT community responds
in Centre County
to the inauguration
Voices Reader Survey
February 2009
of air?
Medicare regs
that strangle
oxygen suppliers
...and their
Page 3
Centre County’s Independent Community Newspaper

February 2009
Centre County’s Independent
Community Newspaper
Did you get this paper for free?
© 2009 Voices of Central Pennsylvania, Inc.
Welcome to
2009! For the last six
coverage of the impact on our community
February 2009
from the desk of general manager
months, Voices of Central Pennsylvania has
of the recession, the Obama Administ-
Suzan Erem
been reaching out to new audiences with
ration’s policies and our own local elected
general manager
free papers delivered to homes around
unteer for as long as it can and then slowly
leaders’ decisions. Voices gives you all-
Suzan Erem
Centre County. We did what we could with
slip away.
local and all-original reporting.
[email protected]
the budget we had, and we hope those of
After dedicating five years to this paper
While the corporate newspaper industry
you who received the paper enjoyed it.
and seeing incredible support from so many
suffers massive losses, alternative papers like
managing editor
But nothing in life is free, as they say, and
great people, I’m confident we can go pro-
ours are thriving all around the country, right
[email protected]
the Voices budget for such marketing is
fessional. At this year’s annual Fun! Raiser
along with the entire movement back to
maxed out. So we hope if you received this
March 23 at India Pavilion we will announce
local. With your support, we can grab that
Politics and Economics
issue free, either at home or around the
new initatives to continue our trek toward
opportunity here and build a paper and Web
Zac Taylor
[email protected]
county, or even read it on the Web, you’ll
sustainability. I hope to see you there.
site packed with local news and information
consider a donation to keep us going.
In the meantime, enjoy this issue packed
that can affect the very fabric of our commu-
Community and Lifestyles
Someone mentioned the other day that he
full of news and views of these exciting
nity. Please help with our survey on Pg. 28.
Delia Guzman
never thinks about Voices going under. It’s
times. Our cover story is the first you’ll see
Would you like to support a local cause?
[email protected]
just always there. And while we’re stronger
anywhere about Medicare’s deterioriating
Promote an upcoming event? Celebrate
than we’ve ever been, we’re still not at the
services related to medical oxygen and how
Women’s History Month or Earth Day?
Tamara Conrad
level of self-sustaining. Voices must be able
our citizens are faring because of it. We tap
Just contact me and we’ll make it happen.
[email protected]
to attract top-notch local journalists, pho-
the inauguration in local ways, and our pro-
Promote your free and non-profit events on
tographers and editors by rewarding them
files of arts endeavors, university groups
our calendar at www.voicesweb.org.
Heather Simmons
for their work with more than a pat on the
and environmental activism may offer up
Submit stories, ideas, photos and letters.
[email protected]
back. Our community will have to decide if
more pleasant surprises.
Without you, we have no Voices . We look
Voices will go professional, or stay all-vol-
This year we plan to bring you regular
forward to hearing from you!
Arts and Entertainment
Adam Eshleman
[email protected]
Voices encourages letters commenting on our
Top Stories in This Issue
Paul Durrenberger
news coverage and editorial policy. Letters
[email protected]
should be typewritten, double-spaced and a
maximum of 250 words. Include address and
phone number for verification purposes. We
Medicare regs strangle oxygen suppliers by Joel Solkoff...
Bill Eichman
reserve the right to edit letters for length and to
[email protected]
Eyewitness to an inauguration transformation by Charles Dumas...
reject those deemed beyond the limits of good
taste. Due to space limitations, we cannot guar-
antee publication of all letters. Letters become
the property of Voices of Central Pennsylvania.
Mali Campbell, Britt Drayton
State High class a service to community by Maggie O’Keefe...
E-mail to [email protected].
Crisis social services guide for Centre County compiled by Justin Eisinger...
LGBT community’s reactions to inauguration passionate by Delia Guzman...
Doug Bauman
Contact Voices for ad rate information at adver-
[email protected]. Voices reserves the right
to refuse any advertising deemed incompatible
Kevin Handwerk
PASA hosts expert on global food issues by Heather Simmons...
with our purpose and philosophy as a socially
[email protected]
Nuclear waste the issue for this generation by Friends...
responsible publication. Only publication signi-
fies acceptance of an ad by Voices of Central
Birdwatch: Pine siskin delights bird lovers by Alice Fuller...
... 13
Pennsylvania . Publication of an ad does not
[email protected]
Your Green House: Save money through energy efficiency by Heather Simmons...
imply endorsement or recommendation by
Voices of any product or service. Cancellation of
an ad by the customer after closing date incurs
full charge. Voices accepts advertisements
Group educates teachers to teach green by Bridget Monaghan...
Arthur Goldschmidt Jr.
equally from all political candidates regardless of
New mentoring program fosters inclusion by Ivana Lee...
[email protected]
their party or viewpoint. Rates are standard for
Students aim to clear-cut Kimberly-Clark products by Maggie O’Keefe...
all ads. Inquiries to [email protected].
USAS activist wary of PSU’s sweatshop maneuver by Tamara Conrad...
vice president
Bill Eichman
[email protected]
Voices of Central Pennsylvania
133 S. Allen St.
Group examines future state of the arts by Adam Eshleman...
State College, PA 16801
Galaxy provides schools stellar art class enrichment by Natalie Ferrigno...
Steven Lachman
[email protected]
Foxdale Miscellany allows retirees creative outlet by Lindsay Chew ...
(814) 234-1699
Penn State Downtown Theatre augments art community by Bridget Monaghan ...
Paul Durrenberger
[email protected]
[email protected]
A community letter to President Obama by the people of Centre County...
Voices is currently interviewing prospective
Consider running for school board: Two views by Donna Queeney and Brenda Walsh.....24
Voices of Central Pennsylvania is an all-volun-
board members. If you’d like to be part of a
We need to build sound local economies by Bill Sharp...
teer organization. We gratefully accept contribu-
growing free press in Centre County please
Community can discuss science and religion by Gernilee Carter...
tions and bequests to support our efforts.
contact Art Goldschmidt at [email protected].
Letters, Whitey Blue and Cosmo...
...24 and 25